What’s Changing?
Mandatory Separation of Recyclable Materials
- Businesses with 10 or more employees must separate cardboard, paper, plastics, metals and glass from general waste.
- Glass requires its own dedicated collection
- Existing DMR services may need to be updated to comply with the new separation requirements.
Mandatory Food Waste Collections
- All businesses, regardless of size or the volume of food waste produced, must arrange a dedicated food waste collection.
- This includes waste from offices, canteens, kitchens, and leftover food from operations.

Businesses and organisations with 10 or more full-time employees must separate recyclable materials, including cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, and glass, from general waste. Food waste collections will also become mandatory for all businesses producing food waste, regardless of the volume.
The new legislation will extend to households, requiring Local Authorities to provide services enabling householders to separate recyclable materials. Mandatory food waste collections for households will also be introduced.
The rules will apply to businesses with fewer than 10 full-time employees. Additionally, all businesses and households must separate plastic film, packaging, and bags for recycling.
What will the new required collections be?
Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR)
Includes plastic, metal, and paper/cardboard.
Food Waste
All food waste, including canteen waste, kitchen scraps, and manufacturing food waste, must be collected separately.
Glass waste requires a dedicated collection service, separate from other recyclables.
General Waste
Residual waste that cannot be recycled through the other 3 waste collections.
How we can help
We understand that adapting to new waste management regulations can be challenging, and we’re here to make the transition as smooth as possible. Our team is ready to assist with your changing requirements, providing the right bins and collection services to ensure compliance before the legislation takes effect.
By putting the necessary services in place now, you can avoid last-minute stress and disruption to your business. We simplify waste management, taking the hassle out of compliance so you can focus on running your business with confidence.
Get in touch today to learn more about how we can help you stay compliant and streamline your waste collection process.